How to Create SSL Certificates in cPanel

cPanel Plugins add functionality to WHM. This tutorial shows you how to add and manage these plugins. In general, unless you have a real need for these add-ons, we recommend leaving them off. The simpler your cPanel server installation the fewer problems you will have.

This tutorial shows you how to managed cPanel Plugins in WHM.


Transcript for How managed cPanel Plugins in WHM

How to manage cPanel Plug-in in WHM. There are several Plug-in available for cPanel that you might want to try out. Some of them are outdated or superseded by functionality in newer version of cPanel. Go to the cPanel section in the menu. Click Manage Plug-in. Scroll through and see if there’s anything here that interest you. When you find something you’d like to install, click the checkbox next to Install and Keep Updated. When finished, click Save.

Both of the cPanel Plug-in we chose have been installed. They should now be active in cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to manage cPanel Plug-in in WHM.
